Hello and Welcome!

My name's Luke Twomey, and if you're reading this I've probably harassed (or bribed) you into visiting the site. Let me know if you've not yet received your life-size replacement Luke figurine.

I'll soon be embarking on a year long solo adventure around the world, which is the reason for starting the blog. I'd like to have things recorded to look back on, and it's a convenient way of keeping you guys updated too.

You can expect expert adequate somewhat competent posts sharing all my experiences (good or bad) while on the road. Photos will also play a large part, mostly to help conceal my poor writing skills.

It would be nice to try and make this place feel like home, so please do leave comments/insults/hurtful remarks/general abuse lying around for me to see and have a chuckle (cry) over.

To get sent an email every time I add another pro-blogger quality update, enter your email address and click 'Subscribe'. There's also an RSS feed button if you like that kind of thing.

Thanks a lot for checking out the site. I'd love to hear from you, check out the 'Contact' section to find out how.